The Ottawa Women's Canadian Club

Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club 1910—2020 by Rowena Cooper

$ 20.00



Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club 1910—2020 by Rowena Cooper is a 188 page book that provides an in-depth account of the Club’s history from its inception to today.



Ottawa, January 17, 1910. The Ottawa Evening Citizen’s headlines referred to the British election that was being held over two days, in which Mr. Winston Churchill was running as a member of the Liberal Party.

A.E. Rea & Co. Ltd. was holding its first annual January house furnishing sale; The Blue Mouse, a farce, was entertaining patrons at the Russell Theatre and “peace in pro. Hockey” was being promised through the ratification of a hockey league. The Eaton’s sale catalogue offered petticoats at 55 and 75 cents, hot water bottles at 65 cents and Webster’s dictionary at 38 cents.

The Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Local Council of Women was advertised as being held in the lecture hall of the Y.W.C.A. and in the health field “American excess of good living was causing great prevalence of indigestion and dyspepsia.”

That same day, at the residence of Mrs. Archibald Parker on Sparks Street, thirty women gathered to see if there was support for the formation of a Women’s Canadian Club in Ottawa.

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