The Ottawa Women's Canadian Club

Date: 18/09/2024

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ELSIE REFORD and her Amazing Garden: A Story of Patience, Persistence and Passion

Dr. Della Stanley, retired professor of Canadian History and Canadian Studies who taught at
Queen’s University, Saint Mary’s University and Mount Saint Vincent University will captivate us
with the story of Elisie Reford – an amazing woman. A few years ago, Dr. Stanley spoke to us
about her unique connection with the history of the Canadian Flag, her father having supplied
the initial design. On September 18, she will share with us her interest in Elsie Reford who
along with Lady Drummond founded the Canadian Women’s Club in Montreal in 1907, and who
in middle age, adopted a new passion – gardening.

Sorry, registration for this event is now closed. We hope to see you at our upcoming events.

Speaker: Dr. Della Stanley, Canadian Historian