Caitlin Chisholm is a genetic counsellor with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Regional Genetics Program. She currently works with the Rapid Access Genomics Clinic, with the goal of diagnosing ultra-rare genetic conditions as early as possible. Her previous roles have included clinical genetic counselling specializing in prenatal and cardiac genetics, as well as implementing the integrated electronic medical record at CHEO. Caitlin graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology from St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia and completed her master’s degree in Genetic Counselling through California State University, Northridge.
DNA: the carrier of the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. Ms. Chisholm will give us the lay-persons briefing of the history of genetics. Her presentation will include details on her work at CHEO and she will give us a peak into the future.
Special Guest: June Lindsey, the British-Canadian physicist whose research was the building block for the discovery of DNA in the 1940’s.