Nos Événements
Le Club Canadien des Femmes d'Ottawa est heureux d'annoncer ses événements à venir.
Avec un conférencier invité à chaque événement, les déjeuners de l'OWCC sont l'excuse parfaite pour se réunir entre amis et pour profiter d'un déjeuner en 3 services.
Les membres et les invités ont la possibilité de voyager en Ontario et au Québec pour explorer des sites historiques, des restaurants et des boutiques.
New Personalized Magnetic Name Tag!

Perfect for your next luncheon, this name tag is not only stylish but practical too! Be proud to display your name and your affiliation with our organization with this easy-to-use and professional-looking magnetic name tag. Order yours today!
Les Dîners à venir
Des passionnants conférenciers se joindront bientôt aux invités pour un fabuleux dîner. Achetez vos billets maintenant.
Lifting Voices, Changing Lives: The CARP Impact on Aging in Canada
Speaker: Claude Paul Boivin, CAE, CEC, HColonel (ret)
Having served in senior leadership positions both in Canada and abroad, Claude Paul has acquired extensive management experience in professional and trade associations and in international development. Throughout his career he has been Interim President and CEO of the Hotel Association of Canada, the CEO of the Canadian Dental Association; President of the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies, and CEO of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. He also held key positions with the International Development Research Centre over a period of 16 years, working and living in Africa and traveling extensively around the world. Claude Paul served for eight years as Honorary Colonel in the Canadian Army. Several of these organizations have given him honourary life membership as a proof of the esteem in which they hold him. He is currently Chair of CARP Ottawa (Canadian Association of Retired Persons).
Ottawa Women On Ice
Speaker: James Powell
Come hear James Powell from the Historical Society of Ottawa talk about the rise, fall, and rise again of women’s hockey in the capital. When Lady Isobel Stanley, the daughter of the Governor General, donned a pair of skates to play hockey in 1889, she stickhandled her way into the history books. With vice-regal support, women’s hockey flourished in Ottawa despite its supposed impropriety.
We will also hear about other great Ottawa skaters such as Barbara Ann Scott and Elizabeth Manley and watch some amazing footage of both of their premier performances. Help us to celebrate International Women’s Day at the OWCC as we remember these unforgettable accomplishments by women.
Les Excursions à venir
Rejoignez-nous pour notre prochaine aventure dans l'un des plus beaux endroits du Canada et faites-vous de nouveaux amis en cours de route.
Evénements Passés
The Ottawa Women's Canadian Club has hosted hundreds of luncheons throughout its many years of existence. We are honoured to have met these former speakers who have inspired our members with their talent, experience, and enthusiasm.
History Unfinished: Voices & Stories
Speaker: Debra Davis
Debra has an extensive background in the private, volunteer and public sectors working at local, national and international levels. She is an active feminist, supporting women candidates as a political organizer, managing a Canada-UK women’s program as part of her duties as Counsellor Public Affairs at the Canadian High Commission in London (1999-2001), serving as a board member of the Arab International Women’s Forum (2001-2010) and the Ottawa Women’s March, (2019-2020). She is actively pursuing her long held interest in the history of women, the equality movement and social justice. Debra co-founded The Women’s History Project in 2021.
“My journey to the Supreme Court of Canada”
The Honourable Michelle O’Bonsawin was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada on September 1, 2022, and served as a justice of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Ottawa from 2017-2022. She holds a Doctorate in Law from the University of Ottawa where she also taught part-time. She is the author of various publications and afrequent guest speaker on Gladue principles, Indigenous issues, as well as mental health, labour, and privacy law. Justice O’Bonsawin grew up in Hanmer, Ontario, a small Francophone town near Sudbury. She is a fluently bilingual Franco-Ontarian and an Abenaki member of the Odanak First Nation.
Peter Brown is a Lanark based jazz and blues pianist/singer who entertained us during our 2023 Holiday Event.
Analysis and insights on the 2024 US Election results
Bruce Anderson has been one of Canada’s leading market and opinion researchers for more than 30 years, and is one of Canada’s leading commentators on public opinion and political affairs.
Bruce has held senior strategic leadership roles at Decima Research, the EarnscliffeStrategy Group, Anderson Insight, and Abacus Data. In 2011, he co-founded spark* advocacy, Canada’s leading public affairs boutique, where he is currently Chief Strategy Officer.
Bruce was a regular member of CBC’s popular “At Issues” panel, and joins Peter Mansbridge and Chantal Hebert on “The Good Talk” podcast every Friday – one of Canada’s top political podcasts and YouTube shows.
Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club with Le Club du Midi – Fall Fashion Show
“Fabulous casual chic fashions for women with discerning taste”
MCs: Helen Aikenhead (owner) and Lillian Patry, Chair of Le Club du Midi. Models will walk among the tables while lunch is being served so that each of you may feel the fabrics and examine the pieces being modelled, up close. All guests will receive a list of what each model is wearing, the size, and price, including accessories. Should you wish to purchase “the item” being modeled while at the Ottawa Hunt & Golf Club, you will be able to do so. There will be a pop-up shop featuring other items available in the store. Bring a friend and join us for lunch and a fun time with stunning clothes from 3 Wild Women.
ELSIE REFORD and her Amazing Garden: A Story of Patience, Persistence and Passion
Dr. Della Stanley, retired professor of Canadian History and Canadian Studies who taught at
Queen’s University, Saint Mary’s University and Mount Saint Vincent University will captivate us
with the story of Elisie Reford – an amazing woman. A few years ago, Dr. Stanley spoke to us
about her unique connection with the history of the Canadian Flag, her father having supplied
the initial design. On September 18, she will share with us her interest in Elsie Reford who
along with Lady Drummond founded the Canadian Women’s Club in Montreal in 1907, and who
in middle age, adopted a new passion – gardening. -
Summer Social – Accessory & Book Exchange
Featuring: author Peter Pigott
Peter Pigott, author of ‘See Jane Fly‘, a story of women in aviation, of femininity and feminism will also be with us. His book will be on sale for $20 (cash only).
We will have a book and accessory exchange. No cash required. Bring your gently used books and accessories to give them a new life in a new home.
Come and have some social time with your fellow OWCC members and enjoy a fully catered BBQ. Casual seating with acess to the terrace. Buffet style BBQ lunch menu.
Women’s Work: The First 20 Years of the WCHSO (Women’s Canadian Historical Society of Ottawa)
Speaker: Connie Wren-Gunn
Connie is an Ottawa-based historian and a Director with Know History Inc., Canada’s leading historical services firm. She completed an MA in History at Carleton University and wrote her thesis on the first 30 years of the Women’s Canadian Historical Society of Ottawa (WCHSO) and the women who founded and managed it. One of these women was Adeline Foster (see photo inset), a founding member of the OWCC.
This luncheon will feature a Victorian Tea. Please wear your fascinator, hat or any other accessory which will put you in the mood for this event.
True North Rising
Speaker: His Excellency Whit Fraser
Whit is a former CBC News reporter, who covered the changing North from colonial rule to enshrining indigenous people’s rights in Canada’s Constitution and the creation of Nunavut. He has been the Chairman of the Canadian Polar Commission and later, Executive Director of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the national Inuit organization, and is the husband of Canada’s Governor General, Mary Simon. You are encouraged to read his award-winning and bestselling memoir, True North Rising and his novel, Cold Edge of Heaven.
Advancing Reconciliation in the Federal Public Service
Speaker: Mary-Luisa Kapelus
Mary is a Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs since November 2020. She previously served as ADM in two other departments. With vast experience in Indigenous affairs, she holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Victoria and a Bachelor’s from University of British Columbia.
A Fresh Look at Canadian History with Reverend Dr. Anthony Bailey
Speaker: Reverend Dr. Anthony Bailey
Rev. Dr. Bailey is dedicated to social justice, especially racial reconciliation, and is a strong promoter of interfaith collaborations, affordable housing and providing food for all. Under Dr. Bailey’s guidance, Parkdale Church, his parish since 1999, has delivered meal programs from November to the end of March known as ‘In From The Cold’. Volunteers provide warm dinners to members of the Ottawa community facing poverty and other challenges. Dr. Bailey also serves on the Board of the Ottawa Mission.
The Famous 5 hosts the 95th anniversary of The ‘Persons’ Case.
Speaker: Beatrice Keleher-Raffoul
Beatrice received recognition for her outstanding volunteer service by the Queen in 2003, 2013 and 2023, by the Governor General in 2017 and by the Province of Ontario in 2011 through The Leading Women, Building Communities Award. Her various contributions as a volunteer include but are not limited to being the Chair of Famous 5 Ottawa, January 2018 to present. Under her leadership, the Women are Person’s monument was installed on Parliament Hill, in October 2000.
The Famous 5 book will be on sale, at the event, for $15. Cash only!
Holiday Event
Featuring: Peter Brown
Lanark-based jazz and blues pianist/singer Peter Brown performed at the Ottawa Jazz Festival for nine years. He has toured with several well-known groups including with former Rolling Stones guitarist Mick Taylor. He has released three jazz CDs under his own name, as well recording with many other artists. His CDs will be on sale at the event.
Life for Women in Policing: Past and Present
Speaker: Assistant Commissioner, M.O.M., Louise Lafrance (retired)
In 2013 joined a select group of Senior Officers becoming the second RCMP woman ever to hold the Commanding Officer’s post at ‘Depot’ Division in Regina, Saskatchewan. In this role, she was responsible for the selection of the Instructional Staff as well as for the content, delivery, and monitoring of the Cadet Basic Curriculum.
She will be accompanied by her daughter, AlexAnn Lafrance-Robineau, Constable who joined the RCMP in July 2015 and in the spring of 2020, transferred to Ottawa as part of the Musical Ride. She took on the role of trainer for new horses, including Noble, the horse that was recently gifted to King Charles III.
Democratizing Music Education: Perspectives, Examples and Explorations
Speaker: Joan Harrison, MM (Yale), PhD (uOttawa)
Joan combines her experiences as a cellist, educator, and entrepreneur, to manage the Capital Strings and Voices Collective (CSVC) whose mandate includes building community through the arts. Currently, CSVC is collaborating with youth from Kitigan Zibi First Nations Reserve to provide music lessons in concert with youth from Ottawa. In 2020, Joan was one of two Canadians awarded a Global Leaders Fellowship to receive an intensive year of executive training for agents of social change.
Bringing Care and Anti-Poverty Work, Back to the Centre
Speaker: Senator Kim Pate
Senator Pate is a member of the Order of Canada, a recipient of the Governor General’s Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case, the Canadian Bar Association’s Bertha Wilson Touchstone Award, and six honourary doctorates among other awards. She has made significant contributions to public education around the issues of women’s inequality and discriminatory treatment within social, economic and criminal legal spheres. She was appointed to the Senate as an Independent Senator in November 2016 after being the Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies from January 1992.
Summer Social & Book Exchange
The OWCC would like to invite you to the first ever ‘Summer Social’ with a theme of literacy. Bring your gently used books that can be exchanged (leftover books will be donated to charity). There will be no cash exchange for donated books….just the love of learning.
BONUS: The book exchange is one delight…now add a local author to the menu! Yes, we will have Ottawa mystery writer, Glenn Rivard joining us. He will have his books for sale. What an opportunity for our readers, along with the free OWCC book exchange.
Come and have some social time with your fellow OWCC members and enjoy a fully catered BBQ. Casual seating with access to the terrace. Buffet style BBQ lunch menu. Smart casual dress code accepted.
Pediatric Oncology: Still Far To Go
Speaker: Dr. Donna Johnston
Dr. Johnston is Chief of the Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and a full Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa. Her main areas of oncology expertise are in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), neuro-oncology, supportive care and palliative care. She is involved in a significant amount of clinical research, the majority of which looks at supportive care for oncology patients and has many publications on this topic.
We Can’t Wait. Protect. Connect. Respect. A movement to protect at least 30% of land and ocean in Canada by 2030.
Speaker: Sandra Schwartz
Sandra is the National Executive Director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. With master’s degrees in management, and environmental studies and over 20 years of experience, she is a strong advocate for sound environmental policy and has championed progressive ideas for clean energy and tackling climate change.
Homelessness: We Are Failing Our Responsibility to Our Community
Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, MD, FRCPC
Dr. Turnbull has pursued an interest in poverty and its effect on health nationally and internationally. He is one of the founders and is the past Medical Director of Ottawa Inner City Health which works to improve the health of people who are chronically homeless.
He is the recipient of several national and international grants and awards, including the Order of Canada, the Order of Ontario, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and an Honorary Degree of Law from Carleton University.
The Many Faces of Human Trafficking/Modern Slavery: A Call to Action!
Speaker: Sister Pauline Gagne
Sister Gagne, a Franco-Ontarian, teacher, social worker, spiritual companion, a member of the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa, with missionary experience in Zambia, Haiti and Papua New Guinea, either teaching or involved in social justice work. She has been a member of PACT-Ottawa (Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans) since 2004.
Hungary and Canada – Transatlantic Allies: Meeting New Challenges in a Changing World
Speaker: Ambassador Mária Éva Vass-Salazar
Ambassador Vass-Salazar is a career diplomat with 25 years of experience in the Hungarian foreign service. Prior to her current assignment, she was Head of Department for Northern Europe covering bilateral relations with 13 countries. Before that she was Head of Department for Science Diplomacy. Ambassador Vass-Salazar served as Deputy Chief of Mission in London, as Political Counsellor in Washington DC, and as Political Officer at the Hungarian Delegation to NATO. She holds an MA in history and a PhD in international relations.
December Holiday Event- Festive Flutes
Join in the OWCC’s very special holiday event in the beautiful dining room of The Ottawa Hunt & Golf Club. Seasonal music will be provided by the Camerata Flutes, which includes Vic Norian, Janet Kreda and Michelle Bakota, who will play a selection of secular and faith-based holiday tunes, for your listening pleasure. There will be great food, door prizes and the sharing of good times. Bring a guest, maybe your spouse or a friend….buy a ticket for someone you cherish and share the spirit of the season.
The Power of Storytelling: CBC’s Hallie Cotnam
Speaker: Hallie Cotnam
Hallie joined the CBC out of journalism school in 1996, after a brief career as a bank manager. She worked in Montreal and Quebec City as a researcher and associate producer, and then began reporting in Gaspé, QC and Windsor, ON. The bright lights of Ottawa beckoned in 2002 when Hallie moved to the Nation’s Capital. Here she’s been a news editor, reporter, writer-broadcaster, and sometimes host of Ottawa Morning, while balancing life with a husband and 13-year-old twins.
Advancing women’s leadership and inclusion to support diversity, equality and inclusion goals with Clare Beckton
Speaker: Clare Beckton, BA, LLB (Sask.), MPA (Harvard), (Fulbright Scholar and Littauer Fellow)
Clare Beckton is a lawyer, a former senior executive including as head of Status of Women Canada, entrepreneur, author of Own it-Your Success Your Future, Your Life and many articles, sought after speaker, mentor and coach and award-winning advocate for advancing women’s leadership and for diversity and inclusion. She serves or has served on several non-profit Boards including chair of the Queensway Carleton Hospital Board, a member of the Harvard Women’s Leadership Board and now as chair of the Beechwood National Cemetery Board.
The May Court Club of Ottawa Then and Now: After a Pandemic
Speaker: Christine Beelen, Past President of the May Court Club of Ottawa
In 2000, Christine joined The May Court Club of Ottawa and has worked on a variety of service projects including working at the Civic Hospital Library, delivering food for the Emergency Food Box program, and promoting fundraisers including several May Court Balls. After early retirement from the Federal Public Service, she joined the Board of Directors as Assistant Treasurer, followed by Treasurer, then Director of Communications, became President and is now the Past President. Ms. Beelen has led the May Court Club through Covid facing many of the challenges which the OWCC faces, not the least of which is ‘how best to continue to achieve the goals of her organization’ post Covid.
The Many Adventures of Lois Long
Speaker: Janet Uren
Janet is a professional writer specializing in history. She began her career in magazines, working for Canadian Geographic among others, and in recent years has worked as an independent consultant. Her writing has included: family histories, institutional histories, personal memoirs, museum exhibits and interpretive panels. Lois Long approached Janet to review her research collection and transform it into a book which was published in 2019 under the title Migration: The Genealogical Adventures of Lois Long.
Welcome to My Life of Crime: Why Mysteries Matter
Speaker: Mary Jane Maffini
Lapsed librarian and former co-owner of Prime Crime Mystery Bookstore, Mary Jane Maffini is the author of three and a half mystery series. Her six Camilla MacPhee mysteries take place in Ottawa (such a dangerous place!) and the two Fiona Sik capers roll out in a quirky village in West Quebec. Winner of the 2015 Bony Blithe Award for mysteries that make us smile.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and reflections on the Crown in Canada
Speaker: Donald Booth, Canadian Secretary to the Queen, Privy Council of Canada
Donald Booth, Canadian Secretary to The Queen providing support to the Prime Minister and the Clerk of the Privy Council on issues related to the Crown in Canada and acting as the primary point of contact at the Privy Council Office for the Palaces to ensure that The Queen and Royal Family are effectively and efficiently supported.
Canary in the Coal Mine: Why the threat to human rights in Afghanistan, and the consequences for women and girls, should matter to all of us.
Speaker: Lauryn Oates, PhD., Executive Director, Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan
Dr. Lauryn Oates is an advocate for equitable access to quality education in conflict zones. Her organization is a Canadian charity that has helped make the human right to education real for ensuring access to learning for thousands of Afghan girls and women.
The Famous 5 Foundation works to inspire and empower future generations of leaders with Frances Wright
Speaker: Frances Wright, C.M., Co-Founder, Famous 5 Foundation
Frances is honoured to have worked with remarkable women and some fair-minded men across Canada to commemorate the Famous 5 so more women and girls are inspired to be bold leaders, and nation builders.
Multifaith Housing Initiative – the 20th Anniversary with Sahada Alolo
Speaker: Sahada Alolo, Manager of Community Engagement and Volunteers at the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI)
Sahada is the Manager of Community Engagement and Volunteers at the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI). After earning a BA from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana with a major in English language and comparative religious studies, followed by a master’s degree in human service specializing in non-profit management, she earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Creighton University, Omaha, NE. Sahada is also a board member of the Ottawa Muslim Women’s Organization and participates in interfaith dialogue through the Christian Muslim Dialogue.
Live Well. Die Well. Grieve Well….building a compassionate community.
Speaker: Monica Patten, Chair of Compassionate Ottawa
Monica is the Chair of Compassionate Ottawa, an organization of community volunteers that encourages everyone to work together to offer compassion to all. Monica brings many years of experience in the voluntary sector to this work. She has often been recognized for her leadership in the sector at home and around the world, including her 2013 appointment to the Order of Canada.
Kim Dingwall – Home Staging and Decorator
Topic: Less Stress for Downsizing and Selling
Chantal Plamondon and Jay Sinha – Co-Founders of ‘Life Without Plastic’
Topic: Plastic Pollution Worldwide and Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint
Jeff Westeinde – Co-Founder of THEIA Partners, Inc.
Topic: Zibi – A Project Ahead of its Time
His Excellency Pétur Āsgeirsson – Ambassador of Iceland to Canada
Topic: The Saga of Icelandic Canadians
Ottawa Children’s Chamber Choir
Topic: Fostering the next generation of choral musicians.
Michael Maidment – Ottawa Food Bank, Chief Executive Officer
Topic: Feeding the Capital’s Hungry
Diane Hodgins – Chief Financial Officer
Topic: The Fogo Islands Project – Social Entrepreneurship That Works
Mark O’Neill
Topic: The Centenary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge – The Importance of Commemoration
Dr. Jacalyn Duffin
Topic: Stanley’s Dream – The Canadian Medical Expedition to Easter Island
Dr. Lindy Samson – Chief of Staff, CHEO-OCTC
Topic: Ensuring Kids are Healthy so They Can Reach Their Full Potential – Why Everyone Must Work Together
Robert R. Fowler – United Nations Special Envoy to Niger.
Topic: Sleeping with al Quaeda
Mme. Jehane Benoît, O.C. – The Grande Dame of Canadian Cuisine.
Topic: Japan through a Woman’s Eyes.
Dr. Phil Gold – Cancer Researcher
Topic: The Advances Being Made in the Prevention, Diagnosis and Cure of Cancer
Mr. Gordon Fairweather – Head of Human Rights Commission
Topic: How the New Commission Will Operate
His Imperial Majesty, Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran.
Topic: Iran’s Development and Place in World Affairs
Mr. Knowlton Nash – CBC Washington Correspondent
Topic: Washington Through Canadian Eyes
Rt. Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King – Prime Minister of Canada
Topic: Unity at Home if We Are to Succeed Abroad
The Rt. Honourable Earl Haig (& Countess Haig)
Topic: Delegates to the British Empire Service League Conference