The Ottawa Women's Canadian Club

Le Club Canadien des Femmes d'Ottawa

présente les enjeux actuels
et célèbre l'histoire canadienne

© G. Baranski 2009


 Notre mission est de susciter de l'intérêt pour toutes les questions d'intérêt public afin de renforcer l'unité canadienne et de préserver et promouvoir le patrimoine et l'histoire du Canada.


Notre croyance dans le rôle que l’enseignement supérieur peut jouer pour mener une vie heureuse et réussie, est notre élan pour maintenir des programmes de bourses pour ceux qui en ont besoin.


Le pouvoir de l'amitié est quelque chose dont l'OWCC a été témoin tout au long de son existence. Nous visons à créer des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie.

Années d'existence

President’s Message Summer 2024

WELCOME! What a powerful word.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it means to greet hospitably with courtesy and cordiality and to accept with pleasure the occurrence or presence of. There is a phrase “welcome with open arms”. How do we succeed in doing that? How can we at the Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club make you feel welcomed?

According to Matilda Walsh in her book “Life Skills” to make someone feel at home we do so by making them feel connected to members, by including them in chit-chat, by making them feel that they belong, by breaking through their comfort zone, by asking them about themselves, by starting a conversation, by being a good listener, by showing interest, by treating them as yourself. Be patient and friendly. Smile. Be yourself but most of all LISTEN! Building friendships takes time.

Come join us at the OWCC for a welcoming time/event. What an agenda we have for the 2024-2025 season. See you there. WELCOME!

Carol MacKay
Your President

Les Nouvelles

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Les gentils mots de nos membres.

Je pourrais écrire un livre sur le Canadian Club concernant l’importance qu’il a eue dans ma vie qui, dans à peine deux mois, atteindra 100 annes.

J'ai le sentiment que ma vie a bénéficié de ma longue association avec le Club Canadien et les amitiés qui ont commencé dans les années 50 se poursuivent aujourd'hui et sont très appréciées.

Val Willis - Loyal Member for 70+ years (1920 - 2021)

Capturing Special Moments with the OWCC

Step back in time and relive a year of cherished moments with the Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club. Our photo collage encapsulates a year of inspiring events and shared experiences.

Evénements Futurs

  • ELSIE REFORD and her Amazing Garden: A Story of Patience, Persistence and Passion

    Dr. Della Stanley, retired professor of Canadian History and Canadian Studies who taught at
    Queen’s University, Saint Mary’s University and Mount Saint Vincent University will captivate us
    with the story of Elisie Reford – an amazing woman. A few years ago, Dr. Stanley spoke to us
    about her unique connection with the history of the Canadian Flag, her father having supplied
    the initial design. On September 18, she will share with us her interest in Elsie Reford who
    along with Lady Drummond founded the Canadian Women’s Club in Montreal in 1907, and who
    in middle age, adopted a new passion – gardening.

    Lire la suite
  • Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club with Le Club du Midi – Fall Fashion Show

    “Fabulous casual chic fashions for women with discerning taste”

    MCs: Helen Aikenhead (owner) and Lillian Patry, Chair of Le Club du Midi. Models will walk among the tables while lunch is being served so that each of you may feel the fabrics and examine the pieces being modelled, up close. All guests will receive a list of what each model is wearing, the size, and price, including accessories. Should you wish to purchase “the item” being modeled while at the Ottawa Hunt & Golf Club, you will be able to do so. There will be a pop-up shop featuring other items available in the store. Bring a friend and join us for lunch and a fun time with stunning clothes from 3 Wild Women.

    $ 70.00 Ajouter au panier

Un grand Merci à nos partenaires!

Nos sponsors sont un élément clé au succès de notre Club. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez sur leurs icônes ci-dessous.

Si vous souhaitez plus d'informations sur la manière de devenir partenaire, veuillez contactez-nous.